My Learning Goals For Term 3

My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is Mr Rule
My writing teacher is Mr Forman

So What?

My handwriting goal is to use cursive correctly

My spelling goal is to complete list 7

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt
                                use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences

My reading goal is to summarise the story.

My blog goals are to complete all the set blogs for this term.

Integrated learning presentation

I have presented my narrative using… Story book creator.

I worked with… Isla

My narrative showed empathy by... Gracie was helping Anna by knowing how she felt.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was… That we got to create our own story.

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was... That when the myths got passed down to others they changed.