Bronze award

Emma received her Bronze CARE award T2 week 10.

T2 Written Language

We are learning to …
Write a recount about a time we did something special with friends.
Criteria: I know I have done this when I . . .
- write my ideas in order
- have capitals at the beginnings of sentences and for proper names
- have full stops at the end of sentences
- record some beginning, middle and end sounds in unknown words
- use some describing words
- write how I felt about it and why

- proofread my work and make some corrections to words or punctuation.

  What a great time you had!
Next steps: Try to check for the correct use of the capitals and full stops. 
You tend to write a capital W in place of the smaller letter which does not touch the top line.

T2 Numeracy

We are learning to use a split strategy to solve addition problems.

It is a lot easier to add the tens then the ones and I can do it in my head.